Education project 2025.01.31 Lifelong learning in quantum science The Department of Mathematical Sciences and the Niels Bohr Institute have teamed up with DTU to…
quantum 2024.10.03 Quantum researchers come up with a recipe that could accelerate drug development University of Copenhagen mathematicians have developed a recipe for upgrading quantum computers to…
Newly employed 2024.09.24 Daniel Stilck França, associate professor Daniel joined the Quantum for Life Centre as associate professor on September 1st funded by the…
Appointment 2024.09.18 Matthias Christandl appointed Turing Chair Professor Matthias Christandl has been appointed the “2024 Turing Chair” at the Dutch research…
Newly employed 2024.01.09 Harold Adriaan Nieuwboer, postdoc Harold Adriaan Nieuwboer started on 1 January 2024 as a postdoc in the Analysis & Quantum Section,…
Award 2023.11.21 The Boeing Quantum Creators Prize awarded to Freek Witteveen At the newly held Chicago Quantum Summit, postdoc Freek Witteveen from the department’s QMATH Centr…
Newly employed 2023.09.29 Emil Tore Mærsk Pedersen, PhD student Emil Tore Mærsk Pedersen was employed as a PhD student on 1 September 2023 in the Quantum for Life…
QIS 2023.09.27 A flying start for the new master’s programme in Quantum Information Science A huge welcome to the 42 first students in the UCPH/DTU MSc programme in Quantum Information…
Newly employed 2023.08.30 Bhavik Kumar, PhD student Starting 1 September 2023, Bhavik Kumar will begin his PhD at the Quantum for Life Centre,…
Newly employed 2023.04.14 Daniel Malz, assistant professor Daniel Malz started on 1 April 2023 at the Department of Mathematical Sciences affiliated with the…