The QLife Centre arranged symposium in Zurich
One of QLife’s principal investigators, Professor Markus Reiher, invited in January the centre members to visit his research group at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH).

The 3-days trip was filled with technical talks and intense discussions, as well as insights into the ETH Quantum Centre's different research fields.
Together with the ETH Quantum Centre, the Quantum for Life Centre organized a symposium with contributions from both centres. The Swiss ambassador in Denmark Florence Tinguely Mattli, kicked off the symposium with a welcome address.
The symposium included a lab tour to get insight into the interesting research in the labs at ETH.

The centre also had the pleasure to visit IBM Research Lab in Ruschlikon to hear about the experimental and theoretical progress of IBM’s mission to make quantum computing reality. A discussion emerged about potential collaborations for the future.

Besides the research-focussed activities, the centre members got the chance to explore Zurich together from the waterside and from ETH’s restaurant Mensa Polyterasse.