Characterizing glucokinase variant mechanisms using a multiplexed abundance assay

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Background: Amino acid substitutions can perturb protein activity in multiple ways. Understanding their mechanistic basis may pinpoint how residues contribute to protein function. Here, we characterize the mechanisms underlying variant effects in human glucokinase (GCK) variants, building on our previous comprehensive study on GCK variant activity. Results: Using a yeast growth-based assay, we score the abundance of 95% of GCK missense and nonsense variants. When combining the abundance scores with our previously determined activity scores, we find that 43% of hypoactive variants also decrease cellular protein abundance. The low-abundance variants are enriched in the large domain, while residues in the small domain are tolerant to mutations with respect to abundance. Instead, many variants in the small domain perturb GCK conformational dynamics which are essential for appropriate activity. Conclusions: In this study, we identify residues important for GCK metabolic stability and conformational dynamics. These residues could be targeted to modulate GCK activity, and thereby affect glucose homeostasis.

Original languageEnglish
Article number98
JournalGenome Biology
Issue number1
Number of pages22
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2024.

    Research areas

  • DMS, GCK, MAVE, Protein dynamics, Protein stability

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ID: 389906149